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Heritage Conservation

Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre is a Grade 2 heritage building complex which was being built in 1931-1938.  It was developed by Rev. Karl Ludvig Reichelt (1877-1952), a Norwegian Lutheran missionary and designed by the Danish architect Johannes Prip-Møller (1889-1943) who is a highly acclaimed architect of the mid-20th century.  Chinese and Western architecture elements in Chinese Eclectic style was adopted in this rare and large-scale building complex in Hong Kong.  The architect designed and constructed Christian buildings with a distinct Chinese Buddhist style for Tao Fong Shan so that Chinese Buddhists or Taoists felt familiar when visiting.

Being the one to manage this building complex, promoting conserving this nearly century-old rare historic building complex in Hong Kong and a sustainable development of Tao Fong Shan are our priority.  Let more people understand the uniqueness and importance of this building complex to the development of Christianity, Christian studies, Christian spirituality and the history of interfaith dialogue in Hong Kong, and at the same time let more people to know Tao Fong Shan and appreciate the tranquil and pleasant environment of Tao Fong Shan.

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Heritage Conservation

Repair and Maintenance

As Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre towards 100th anniversary, in addition to our efforts to preserve the appearance of historic buildings, we also strive for finding solutions with limited resources when facing the aging of building facilities and the quality requirements for retreat centre nowadays.  The generous supports from the public are very essential for the sustainable development of Tao Fong Shan.

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Repair & Maintenance

Retreat Centre

Pilgrim’s Hall Retreat Centre is one of the earliest centres for silent retreat and meditation set up in Shatin.  It is only a 10-minute drive from Tai Wai Station or only takes 25-30 minutes to walk from Shatin downtown.  The Centre is in the tranquil and pleasant Tao Fong Shan, surrounded by beautiful nature and far away from the hustle and bustle.  It is very suitable for individuals or groups to have silent retreat and meditation.  We provide high-quality, friendly and flexible accommodation, meal and event venue services to individual and group guests from churches and religious organizations and strive to make every guest enjoy their time on Tao Fong Shan.

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Retreat Centre

Venue Rental

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong (ELCHK) - Tao Fong Shan Church provide wedding celebrant service at Christ Temple.

Application Guidelines and Form

Chinese version only

Group Visit

A group of 10 people or above visiting Tao Fong Shan would be treated as a group visit that advance application is a must.  ​For guided tour service, please contact us for more details.

Application Guidelines

Guidelines for Visitors

Photography & Filming Venue Rental

For photography and filming venue rental  including pre-wedding or other business photo shooting and filming, advance application is a must.  Please contact us for more details.

Photography & Filming Venue Introduction

Pre-wedding Photo Shooting Guidelines and Application Form

Chinese version only


Other Services

Other Services

Tao Fong Shan Service Unit


Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00am to 12:30pm

1:30pm to 5:00pm

(except Public Holidays)

Tel (852) 2694 4000

Fax (852) 2694 4020

General Enquiry

(852) 2694 4000

Administration Dept.

(852) 2694 4023

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33 Tao Fong Shan Road

Shatin, New Territories

Hong Kong

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